
bKash Customer App (Android & iOS) [Link]
Currently responsible for developing various features of bKash mobile banking application used by millions of users daily using Flutter.

Ridmik Chats (Android Application) [Link]
An end to end encrypted android messaging application using signal protocol. Reduced some CPU intensive image processing task completion time by a great margin using Render Script Framework. Also designed and developed image and video editing tools for this app having filter, crop, zoom, rotate, auto resize, auto re-positioning etc. features.

Ridmik News (Android Application) [Link]
An android application for providing the best coverage of current events in Bangladesh and around the globe. All the news are curated and personalized for user.

Jamahook (Web Application) [Link]
A social media platform for musicians. Designed and Developed the FIRST multi-track audio player for web-browsers from scratch using HTML5 web audio API and JavaScript having features like trimming, seeking, snap to grid, collaboration in real-time, etc. Developed news feed features such as post, comment, like/unlike, etc. for an online social media platform for musicians.

Track Me (Android Application) [Link]
An android application for sharing and tracking real time location update in order to stay close with family and friends.

Sales Tracker (Android Application)
An application for tracking any kind of product sells including features like searching items, download summery of last month sells etc.

Image Detection [Link]
An android application using Google Firebase ML kits that can detect bar codes and faces. Also can extract additional informations from image.

Blood Bank [Link]
Developed this project using C# and MySql for 3rd year software development lab.

Chat Messenger [Link]
Multi-client Chat Program. Developed this project using java socket programming for fourth year Network Programming Lab.

DX Ball Game [Link]
Developed this DX ball game using C graphics for my 1st year software development lab.

Online Admission Apply & Result Publication System [Link]
Developed this Project using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Oracle, PL/Sql for fourth year Advance Database Lab.